21.05.2021 10:30

The talk series with Dr. Luca Turchet (University of Trento) & Dr. Anna Xambó (De Montfort University) around the topic of Networked Electronic Music...


Two papers accepted at KDD 2021

We are happy to announce that two papers have been accepted at KDD (acceptance rate 15%)


Paper accepted at IJCAI 2021

Our paper "Details (Don't) Matter: Isolating Cluster Information in Deep Embedded Spaces" has been accepted for presentation at IJCAI-21 (13.9%...


ICALP 2021

The paper "Faster Algorithms for Bounded Liveness in Graphs and Game Graphs" by Krishnendu Chatterjee, Monika Henzinger, Sagar Kale and Alexander...


SPAA 2021

The paper "On the Complexity of Load Balancing in Dynamic Networks" by Seth Gilbert, Uri Meir, Ami Paz and Gregory Schwartzman was accepted to the...


Auch dieses Jahr sind österreichische Informatik-Studierende dazu eingeladen, sich bis 28. Mai 2021 für „Seeds for the Future“ von Huawei zu bewerben....