
on the "Scalability and Liquidation Enhancement in QoS Lightning Networks"


LICS 2021

The paper "Symbolic Time and Space Tradeoffs for Probabilistic Verification" by Krishnendu Chatterjee, Wolfgang Dvořák, Monika Henzinger and Alexander...


How do algorithms affect us? [Podcast]

Prof. Dr. Monika Henzinger explains in the Audimax Podcast of the University of Vienna the basics and different types of algorithms, why the term has...


Three papers accepted at IEEE BigData 2020

One full paper (acceptance rate 15.5%) and two short papers have been accepted at the IEEE BigData 2020 conference.

02.12.2020 18:00

Beim online JobTalk am 2. Dezember ab 18:00 spricht Vizedakanin Renate Motschnig mit Studierenden und Vertreter*innen aus der Wirtschaft (A1,...


Open position for project staff at the Research Group Software Architecture

30 hrs, starting as soon as possible