
Die Konferenz bringt Studierende mit dem Interesse an digitaler Produktentwicklung zusammen und bietet ihnen verschiedene Formate zur Weiterbildung...


Paper accepted at PDP 2020

We are very happy to announce that a short paper has been accepted at the 28th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and...


Paper accepted at IEEE ICBC

We are very happy to announce that a full paper has been accepted at IEEE ICBC 2020


STOC 2020

The paper "Towards a Better Understanding of Randomized Greedy Matching" by Zhihao Gavin Tang, Xiaowei Wu and Yuhao Zhang has been accepted at STOC...


Die Fakultät für Informatik erhält Verstärkung: Mit 1.2.2020 konnte die Tenure Track-Professur im Bereich Machine Learning mit Ass.-Prof. Dr....


Topics for Bachelor and Master Theses SS2020

Software Architecture is offering interesting new topics for Bachelor and Master theses for SS2020.