The NEMO summer schools focus on the conceptualization, design, and implementation of Next Generation Enterprise Modelling Methods. In today‘s enterprises, modelling methods are widely used on every level and they are mostly supported by modelling tools. These tools ease the design of machine-processable models and provide facility services, e.g. for accessing, exchanging and persistenly storing meta-models and models, for applying algorithms and querying model contents. Additionally they enhance the value of models as an organisational knowledge platforms. Modelling tools and platforms which support domain specific methods need to provide user interaction functionalities and enable management capabilities for the execution environment in addition to the modelling method design and implementation.
Who is the target group?
Master and PhD-students enrolled in programs of
- Computer Science
- Business Informatics
- Information Systems Engineering
- Business Administration.
What is offered?
Two weeks where you can:
- Participate in lectures provided by international experts in the field
- Work in small teams to create practical solutions to real-world problems
- Make your first steps in modelling method coding
- 4 ECTS
- Network in an international environment both with peers and professors
- Network with industry partners and sponsors
- Enjoy cultural events and the beautiful surroundings of Vienna, Austria
What is expected of you?
- To be proficient in English
- To have basic programming skills
- To be interested in Enterprise Information Systems
- To be keen to meet peers from across Europe
- To be interested in working with novel technologies and concepts
Where does it take place?
University of Vienna, Faculty of Computer Science
Währinger Straße 29, 1090 Vienna, Austria
How to register?
Online Registration:
What does it cost?
Students are required to pay a participation fee of EUR 600,- covering the summer school, accommodation (incl. breakfast), lunches and one outdoor event.
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