Masterprüfung mit Defensio, Permann Christian

12.05.2020 16:00 - 17:00

"Tool for Visual Cluster Analysis and Consensus Clustering"


Findet per Videokonferenz statt/Corona Situation

Finding a good clustering solution for an unexplored data-set is a non-trivial task. Due to the large number of clustering algorithms that usually have lots of parameters, clustering results may di er strongly from each other and the underlying ground truth. With only little knowledge on the data the evaluation of which result best represents the underlying cluster structure is dicult. To nd a tting selection for this choice, di erent visual frameworks exist that aim to simplify this choice, usually by ranking the results according to quality measures. As those measures also have the downside of being biased towards speci c structures (whether or not they t the data) they are problematic for selecting a nal result. For this reason, I propose to purely use indicators of robustness for the creation or selection of a clustering result. This is done by meta-clustering results from di erent clustering algorithms and calculating consensus clusterings from groups of similar clusterings. Additionally, this process is supported through visualizations, giving the expert user the possibility to use his knowledge to further improve on the nal result. The tool is available in the repository under
