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FFG Bridge Project "SecurityTwin" for Edgar Weippl and Researchgroup SEC

Project success for the Security & Privacy (SEC) research group around Prof. Edgar Weippl: The FFG Bridge project "SecurityTwin - Digital Twins for Cyber-Physical Threat Detection & Response" was submitted together with SBA Research GmbH, Condignum GmbH and ENRAG GmbH and starts on 1.1.2021. The...

In her interview with Zero Outage Industry Standard (ZOIS), Prof. Renate Motschnig talks about initial findings from the joint project: "Soft-Skills for IT-People"

Visualization based on a cluster algorithm developed by the faculty's research group WST that prevents the overemphasis of outliers.

Prof. Weippl on blockchain and cryptocurrency in the "Doing Useful Things" podcast

In conversation with Dave Keeler, Professor Weippl explains the topics cryptocurrency and blockchain. Listen to Apple Podcasts.

Prof. Weippl on security in the home office

The APA asked Prof. Weippl, who holds the professorship for security and privacy, about security in the home office.

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