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Since February 2024, Han van der Aa has been a Professor in the field of Process-Oriented Information Systems and the Head of the subunit Workflow Systems and Technology at the Faculty of Computer Science. At the beginning of his appointment, we had the opportunity to ask him a few questions about...

The Austrian Computer Science Day took place in 2024 at the Faculty of Computer Science at the University of Vienna, making it part of the faculty's anniversary celebrations.

A multi-stage admission process is conducted for the Bachelor's programs in Computer Science and Business Informatics. All deadlines and details about the admission process (in German).

Critical Infrastructure Award – Submission Deadline: September 20, 2024

The call for applications is aimed at PhD students in the fields of computer science, (business) informatics, communications engineering, electrical engineering and automation engineering, or similar. Outstanding achievements related to safety-critical infrastructures (e.g., transport modes, energy...

The faculty of Computer Science at the University of Vienna, together with the research network Data Science are happy to announce a lecture by world-renowened computer scientist Yoshua Bengio: "Obtaining Safety Guarantees to avoid AI Catastrophic Risks". As a Turing Award winner and one of the...

Invitation: Opening Ceremony of the CD Laboratory for Assurance and Transparency in Software Protection

Dr. Sebastian Schrittwieser (SEC) invites you to the opening of his CD Laboratory on June 10, 2024, at the Small Ceremonial Hall of the University of Vienna, featuring a guest talk by Prof. De Sutter (Ghent University).

The Summer School will take place at the University of Vienna between July 15th and 26th, 2024 under the motto “Become a Digital Leader!”

Call: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA-PF) at the Faculty of Computer Science

We invite Computer Science Postdocs to apply for an MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship with one of 7 supervisors at our faculty. The Marie-Skłodowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship is a post-doctoral research and training programme in which the post-doc (fellow) gains additional skills and abilities...

Talk with Una-May O’Reilly (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), April 11, 2024

The subunit Security and Privacy invites you to the lecture "The Research ABC’s of Cyber Security: Agents, Bron, and Coevolution".

The "International Day of Women and Girls in Science" on February 11 raises awareness of the continued underrepresentation of women* in STEM disciplines. Ten female researchers from the Faculty of Computer Science introduce themselves and their research on this occasion.

Starting in February 2024, Han van der Aa will assume the professorship at the Faculty of Computer Science. His research focuses on Process Mining, Business Process Management, and Robotic Process Automation.

Data4Good Festival April 19-21, 2024, in Berlin

Bachelor students from across Europe will come together at this festival to exchange ideas, tackle data challenges, and work on solutions for societal issues using data-driven approaches. Registration is open until February 1.

Congratulations to Ivo Hofacker, Sebastian Tschiatschek, and Moritz Grosse-Wentrup for receiving WWTF funding

Two interdisciplinary projects involving the Faculty of Computer Science were successful in the WWTF Life Sciences 2023 Call "Understanding Biology with AI/ML".

Prof. van Haeseler among the most cited researchers worldwide in 2023

The Faculty of Computer Science congratulates Professor of Bioinformatics and faculty member Arndt van Haeseler!

Topic of the October 25, 2023 talk: "Turnkey Acceleration of Legacy Software on Commodity FPGA Cards and application to cosmological software" Learn more...

International researchers are discussing current developments in the field of generative artificial intelligence, as well as the capabilities, limitations, and societal relevance of these models. Dates and speakers...

The Public Lecture Series will be held with the participation of the Faculty of Computer Science. Moritz Grosse-Wentrup and Kaspar Lebloch will talk about "Sustainability in Explainable AI" and "Harnessing Untapped Potentials in the Internet of Things: Retrofitting and Upgradability".

A recap of the welcome day for new students in the Bachelor's programs.

Following the ENTER_DAY for the Bachelor's students, the ENTER_DAY for the Master's students will take place at 3:00 PM in HS1.

We are very pleased to announce the appointment of our two new tenure track professorships. Since February 1, 2023, Dr. Kathrin Hanauer has been working with us as a tenure-track professor of "Algorithms for Scalable AI" and Dr. Gramoz Goranci as a tenure-track professor of "Algorithms".

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