Fakultätsöffentliche Präsenation (Cluster Models and Systems)

22.01.2024 09:00 - 13:00

9:00 Uhr, Papp, Mate, 01628450   
Titel: " Development of a model for the detection of cyberattacks based on SAP system parameters and their containment through agile configuration adaptation"
10:00 Uhr, Holzbauer, Florian, 51825728   
Titel: "Measuring the Gap between Standardization, Implementation and Adoption of Internet Standard"
11:00 Uhr, Gegenhuber, Gabriel, 01327045   
Titel: "Active Measurements in Cellular Networks"
12:00 Uhr, Pucher, Michael, 01425215   
Titel: "Improving Static and Dynamic Binary Analysis through Target-Specific Information


PC-Seminarraum 1, Kolingasse

Kolingasse 14-16, OG01
1090 Wien